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AssetID: 31377840

Headline: iPhone Artist Captures Characters In Everyday Settings

Caption: PICTURE SHOWS: Marge Simpson with Bearskin hat as hair .... A photographer makes fictional characters appear in everyday settings. Francois Dourlen, 34, uses his iPhone to overlay characters including the Simpsons, the Hulk, Scooby Doo and even Saturday Night Fever-era John Travolta onto scenes. Based in Cherbourg, France, Francois explains: "In real life I am a history teacher, but I make pictures for fun, to make me laugh and to make other people laugh. "I have done this since 2012, and I started this kind of photo by making a joke for friends. It immediately worked and made me work for brands like Netflix, Playstation, Audi, the French TV; but I only accept to work for brands that I really like because it is not my main job." PLEASE LINK TO:

