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AssetID: 31206487

Headline: Fascinating Hand Portrait Photo Project

Caption: PICTURE SHOWS: Blacksmith ............ This photo project presents portraits of individuals - but only featuring their hands. Omar Reda wanted to create a unique record of the people he meets on his travels. The result is a fascinating look at faceless individuals encountered in tribes, villages, and cities; with no details except their occupation. Omar, 32, a Lebanese designer based in Riyadh, explains: "I took the photos in Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Nepal and Ethiopia. The youngest one is a Masai boy, I think he is around 3 years old. And I am sure the oldest is more than 80. Most of these people don’t have a birth record. "The tribes are Masai, Dassanech, Hamar and Mursi and these are the cities: Moshi, Kathmandu, Chitwan, Arba Minch, Jinka, Riyadh, featuring Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalese. "The hand like the eyes reveal what's hidden below the surface. It is essential for our evolution and survival. Early humans used it to ignite a fire, hunt, fight and other survival actions. "The hand is the main part that helps us to excel our skills across all the industries since the beginning of time. The palm lines in our hands unveil the underlying truth about our lives. They uncover our struggle, burden and life passage that we chose. In this series, I am trying to capture the beauty of human hands around the world and from the different scope of life. "This is a continuous project, I will try to cover as much nationalities as I can in my future trips."

